Our Mission
Bethel Abundant Life Ministries carries out its mission based on the commission given by Jesus to His disciples to “…make disciples of all nations…” (Matt 28:19). Hence, we seek the lost for Christ; endeavoring always to “bring them in, grow them up and send them out” as witnesses to reach others for Christ. We carry out the mission tri-dimensionally, through:
- The Ministry to the Lord through worship; in prayer, praise and service to God and our fellowmen.
- The Ministry to the saints by our work in “…the perfecting of the saints… till we all come…unto a perfect man, unto the stature of the fullness of Christ”, and living in a state of readiness for the Lord’s appearing.
- The Ministry to the unsaved by waging war against Satan and the forces of darkness for the deliverance of the captives from bondage and proclaiming to them the good news of salvation.