Bible studies & Prayer: Weekly Bible studies and prayer meetings at least twice per week.
Visitations: Scheduled Visits to hospitals, other institutions and private homes to provide spiritual comfort and help for the sick and brokenhearted.
Group Fellowship: Weekly meetings & activities specially designed for the growth and enhancement of men, women, youth and married couples
Outdoor Socials: Special functions and activities to promote social interaction among congregants.
Spiritual Counseling: Godly counsels are given to families and individuals facing serious challenges.
Visitations: Visits to the unsaved in the community, to share the gospel or to give neighborly support.
Home Bible Study: People in the community are taught the word of God with the expectation they will be converted and experience an “Abundant Life”
Family & Friends Fellowship Dinner: Members of the church host quarterly Fellowship dinner
Help: Volunteers take food and other items to people who are unable to help themselves
Homework Assistance Program: Volunteer teachers assist students with school assignments, on request
Food Pantry: Food and other items are distributed to people in the community on the 3rd Saturday of the month. You can sign up for the food pantry when you show up.
Job Sourcing: Volunteers help to source jobs and also assist seekers prepare for interviews.
Transportation: Volunteers assist especially the elderly with transportation needs.