During our recent Holy Convocation, the presenters almost with a single voice painstakingly explained that many of the abominable practices of the day are indeed signs of the end-time. The speakers further informed us that as the ‘enemy’ intensifies his assaults against the kingdom of God, the window of opportunity to make meaningful gains against him are closing fast. Perhaps even more alarming is the fact that many believers are not only weak in faith but also ill-equipped and perhaps unwilling to utilize their spiritual gifting to meet today’s challenges.
Inspired and motivated by the anointed Word, we approach the new church year militantly, vowing to make a paradigm shift from our present disengaged position and ‘Reaching Higher and Beyond’ to employ the power and presence of the Spirit of God to advance the fight against Satan. Consequently, the main objective of this month’s Teaching Series is to reassure believers that in spite of end-time satanic attacks on our families, church and communities, we are ‘Highly Favored of God’, authorized and empowered to defeat the wicked one.
However, before “leaving the principles of the gospel,” it is necessary to remind ourselves that believers are ‘Chosen in Advance’ to build God’s Kingdom, and in spite of our imperfections, through the grace of God we are indeed ‘Predestined for the Adoption of Sons.’ Important also to note is the fact that believers are ‘Predestined to be Holy and Blameless’ in this present world. Hence, we can boldly assert ourselves and resist the emerging moral decay engulfing our society.
Being confident that we are specially ‘Chosen for Heaven’, at the conclusion of this month’s studies, we will be well-positioned and prepared (even whilst suffering) to outdo the devil on all fronts!
Pastor V. Wittock